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Implementation Fail: A Case Study PDF icon Download (180.56 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Implementation, Juveniles, Program Evaluation September 2022
Developmentally-Grounded Approaches to Juvenile Probation Practice: A Case Study PDF icon Download (26.71 MB) Juveniles, Probation December 2019
Preventing Delinquency Through Integrated Physical and Behavioral Health Screening and Services: Lessons Learned for Policy and Practice PDF icon Download (14 MB) Juveniles December 2019
Using a Train-the-Trainer Model to Promote Practice Change among Agencies Serving Justice-Involved Youth PDF icon Download (21.27 MB) Juveniles, Training December 2019
Operationalizing a Behavioral Health Services Cascade of Care Model: Lessons Learned from a 33-Site Implementation in Juvenile Justice Community Supervision PDF icon Download (521.29 KB) Juveniles, Program Evaluation, Substance Use September 2019
The Validity of TCU Drug Screen 5 for Identifying Substance Use Disorders among Justice-Involved Youth PDF icon Download (114.01 KB) Juveniles, Program Evaluation, Substance Use September 2019
What Legally Prescribed Functions Tell Us: Role Differences Between Adult and Juvenile Probation Officers PDF icon Download (175.39 KB) Juveniles, Probation December 2017
Collaboration in Juvenile Justice: A Multi-Agency Study PDF icon Download (518.37 KB) Juveniles December 2012
Juvenile Probation Officers: How the Perception of Roles Affects Training Experiences for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation PDF icon Download (219.37 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Juveniles, Probation December 2011
Predicting Juvenile Recidivism Using the San Diego Regional Resiliency Check-up PDF icon Download (89.65 KB) Juveniles, Probation December 2009
New Directions in Juvenile Sex Offender Management: Designing a Collaborative Approach PDF icon Download (84.73 KB) Juveniles, Sex Offenders December 2009
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions with Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Some Historical Perspective PDF icon Download (87.34 KB) Juveniles, Mental Health December 2008
Juvenile Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Legislation: Unintended Consequences PDF icon Download (71.91 KB) Juveniles, Sex Offenders December 2008
Barriers to Effective Program Implementation: Rural School-based Probation PDF icon Download (84.29 KB) Juveniles, Probation June 2008
Probation Intake: Gatekeeper to the Family Court PDF icon Download (66.44 KB) History of probation, Juveniles June 2008
Faith-Based Approaches for Controlling the Delinquency of Juvenile Offenders PDF icon Download (101.3 KB) Juveniles June 2007
Juvenile Offenders and Sex Offender Registries PDF icon Download (76.98 KB) Juveniles, Sex Offenders December 2006
Overcoming Sisyphus: Effective Prediction of Mental Health Disorders and Recidivism Among Delinquents PDF icon Download (104.96 KB) Risk Assessment, Mental Health, Juveniles September 2006
Validation of the Risk and Resiliency Assessment Tool for Juveniles in the Los Angeles County Probation System PDF icon Download (3.5 MB) Risk Assessment, Juveniles September 2006
Accomplishments in Juvenile Probation in California Over the Last Decade PDF icon Download (111.09 KB) Juveniles, Probation June 2006
Restorative Justice Dialogue: The Impact of Mediation and Conferencing on Juvenile Recidivism PDF icon Download (73.78 KB) Restorative justice, Juveniles December 2005
Over-representation of Minorities in the Juvenile Justice System: Three Counties in Rural Texas PDF icon Download (62.94 KB) Juveniles December 2004
Planning for the Future of Juvenile Justice PDF icon Download (66.54 KB) Juveniles December 2004
First Count to Ten: Innovation and Implementation in Juvenile Reintegration Programs PDF icon Download (122.36 KB) Reentry, Juveniles September 2004
Internet Training for Juvenile Justice Professionals PDF icon Download (142.88 KB) Cybercrime, Juveniles December 2003


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