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Pending or Recent Changes in the Bankruptcy Forms

Find pending or recent changes to the bankruptcy forms and related instructions.

Forms Effective Dec. 1, 2024

Official Forms 

  • Form 410 (pdf)

  • Form 423. Abrogated. Previously used to evidence that the debtor has completed a course in personal financial management. A pending change to Rule 1007(b)(7) will instead require submission of a certificate from the approved course provider.

Director’s Form

  • Form 2000 (pdf). References to abrogated Form 423 are removed.

Changes made to conform to the restyled rules:

Director’s Forms

Form Instructions 

Forms Effective June 22, 2024

Changes to Official Forms 101 and 201 effective June 22, 2024, due to the expiration of certain temporary provisions of the Bankruptcy Threshold and Technical Corrections Act (BTATC Act), Pub. L. 117-151

  • Official Form 101, Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy | Committee Note to Official Form 101
  • Official Form 201, Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy | Committee Note to Official Form 201