The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.
Name of Individual and/or Organization | Date Received | Committee | Rule or Form | Status |
Christopher Cross (22-CV-G) | 06/14/2022 | Civil | Rule 17 | Considered |
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (24-CR-J) | 02/13/2024 | Criminal | Rule 17 | Pending consideration |
Thomas Dougherty (23-AP-H) | 06/20/2023 | Appellate | Rule 17 | Considered |
New York City Bar Association (22-CR-A) | 02/17/2022 | Criminal | Rule 17 | Pending consideration |
Gregory G. Skordas (05-CR-E) | 06/22/2005 | Criminal | Rule 17 (Crime Victims Rights Act) | Considered |
Hon. Harvey Schlesinger (10-CR-B) | 06/08/2010 | Criminal | Rule 17(a) | Considered |
Richard Levin (19-BK-E) | 03/26/2019 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2002 | Considered |
Michael Gieseke (23-BK-A) | 01/31/2023 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2002 | Considered |
Gary Streeting (14-BK-G) | 12/17/2014 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2002 | Considered |
Hon. Arthur J. Spector (97-BK-G) | 09/22/1997 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2002 | Considered |
Hon. James A. Pusateri (00-BK-H) | 08/14/2000 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2002 | Considered |
Bankruptcy Noticing Working Group (02-BK-A) Addendum | 12/09/2002 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2002(g) | Considered |
Hon. Scott W. Dales (12-BK-M) | 10/23/2012 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2002(h) | Considered |
Rebecca Garcia (25-BK-B) | 02/04/2025 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2003 | Pending consideration |
Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison LLP (98-BK-B) | 07/27/1998 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2003 | Considered |
Rebecca Garcia (24-BK-G) | 07/10/2024 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2003 | Pending consideration |
Hon. Keith M. Lundin (08-BK-L) | 12/05/2008 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2003 | Considered |
American Bar Association, Section of Business Law (17-BK-B) | 06/06/2017 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2004 | Considered |
Kevin P. Dempsey (17-BK-A) | 01/31/2017 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2013 | Considered |
American Bankruptcy Institute's Task Force on National Ethics Standards (13-BK-C) | 03/14/2013 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2014 | Considered |
Commercial Law League of America (01-BK-A) | 01/10/2001 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2014, Rule 9014, 7026 | Considered |
Dan Dooley (13-BK-H) | 07/16/2013 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2016 | Considered |
Neil Enmark, Esq. (13-BK-J) | 09/23/2013 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2016(b) | Considered |
National Bankruptcy Conference (Jonathan G. Katz) (08-BK-O) | 02/06/2009 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2019 | Considered |
Hon. Robert E. Gerber (08-BK-M) | 01/09/2009 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2019 | Considered |
Hon. Robert D. Drain (08-BK-N) | 01/13/2009 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2019 | Considered |
ABA Section of Business Law, Business Bankruptcy Committee (Michael St. Patrick Baxter, Esq.) (08-BK-P) | 02/06/2009 | Bankruptcy | Rule 2019 | Considered |
Frederick S. Longer (15-CV-J) | 03/19/2015 | Civil | Rule 23 | Considered |
DRI (15-CV-DD) | 09/10/2015 | Civil | Rule 23 | Considered |
Impact Fund (15-CV-M) | 03/25/2015 | Civil | Rule 23 | Considered |