The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.
Name of Individual and/or Organization | Date Received | Committee | Rule or Form | Status |
Hon. Neil Gorsuch and Hon. Susan Graber (16-CV-F) | 06/13/2016 | Civil | Jury Trials in Civil Cases | Pending consideration |
Tom Scherer (00-CV-D) | 06/26/2000 | Civil | Manipulation of Bar Codes in Mailing | Considered |
Tom Scherer (00-BK-G) | 06/26/2000 | Bankruptcy | Manipulation of Bar Codes in Mailings Containing Federal Court Documents | Considered |
John D. Gleissner, Esq. (05-EV-A) | 01/27/2005 | Evidence | Medical Billing/Admission of Evidence and Testimonies | Considered |
Tracey Ellis (02-CV-A) | 02/07/2002 | Civil | Minority Litigant Cases | Considered |
Kelly Sweeney (06-BK-B) | 05/05/2006 | Bankruptcy | Modification to the Reaffirmation Agreement Form | Considered |
John L. Runft, Esq. (05-CV-F) | 08/05/2005 | Civil | Motions in Limine | Considered |
Geoffrey L. Berman (11-BK-G) | 09/22/2011 | Bankruptcy | National Bankruptcy Bar | Considered |
Hon. A. Benjamin Goldgar (09-BK-F) | 06/25/2009 | Bankruptcy | New Bankruptcy Form, B261C | Considered |
Akua Asamoah (08-CV-E) | 12/05/2008 | Civil | New Form/Form Revision | Pending consideration |
Hon. Marvin Isgur, Hon. Elizabeth Magner, and Hon. Jeff Bohm (08-BK-K) | 12/05/2008 | Bankruptcy | New Forms Proposal – B10-A, B10-S1, B10-S2. | Considered |
Heather Abraham, Alex Abdo, and Jonathan Manes (21-CV-T) | 09/03/2021 | Civil | New Rule 5.3 | Pending consideration |
Eugene Volokh, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (20-CV-T) | 08/06/2020 | Civil | New Rule 5.3 | Pending consideration |
Lawyers for Civil Justice (21-CV-G) | 03/24/2021 | Civil | New Rule 5.3 | Pending consideration |
Alan N. Resnick (12-BK-H) | 03/21/2012 | Bankruptcy | New Rule 8018.1 | Considered |
Gary Peel (21-CR-G) | 04/28/2021 | Criminal | New rule mandating time frame for motion resolution | Considered |
Gary Peel (21-AP-F) | 04/28/2021 | Appellate | New rule mandating time frame for motion resolution | Considered |
Gary Peel (18-CV-V) | 07/09/2018 | Civil | New rule mandating time frame for motion resolution | Considered |
Gary Peel (18-CR-D) | 07/09/2018 | Criminal | New rule mandating time frame for motion resolution | Considered |
American Academy of Appellate Lawyers (19-AP-B) | 04/26/2019 | Appellate | New Rule re Decisions Based on Unbriefed Grounds | Considered |
National Association of Professional Background Screeners (18-CV-W) | 07/20/2018 | Civil | New rule requiring defendants to disclose full names and dates of birth | Considered |
National Association of Professional Background Screeners (18-CR-E) | 07/20/2018 | Criminal | New rule requiring defendants to disclose full names and dates of birth | Considered |
Matthew T. Loughney (Bankruptcy Noticing Working Group) (12-BK-B) | 02/06/2012 | Bankruptcy | New Rule to Address Chapter 13 Notice of Entry of a Confirmation Order | Considered |
Hon. A. Benjamin Goldgar (21-BK-O) | 12/20/2021 | Bankruptcy | New rule to Part VIII | Considered |
Hon. Julie A. Robinson (12-CV-E) | 08/20/2012 | Civil | New rule(s) regarding electronic signatures and the retention of paper documents containing original signatures | Considered |
Hon. Jim Hood (12-CV-C) | 08/10/2012 | Civil | New rule(s) to address dilatory removal of cases to federal court | Considered |
National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees (15-BK-D) | 06/05/2015 | Bankruptcy | Notice of Change of Address Form | Considered |
Kenneth J. Hirz (00-BK-C) | 02/04/2000 | Bankruptcy | Official Bankruptcy Form 10 | Considered |
Ali Elahinejad (00-BK-E) | 03/03/2000 | Bankruptcy | Official Bankruptcy Form B9C | Considered |
Michael A. Fritz, Esq. (09-BK-A) | 02/13/2009 | Bankruptcy | Official Bankruptcy Forms | Considered |