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Rules Suggestions

The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.

Name of Individual and/or Organization Date Received Committee Rule or Form Status
Michael J. Romano (17-CV-UU) 07/19/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Michael J. Merrick (17-CV-VV) 07/19/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Malinda A. Gaul (17-CV-WW) 07/19/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Corey J. L. Walker (17-CV-XX) 07/20/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Caryn M. Groedel (17-CV-YY) 07/20/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
J. P. Kemp (17-CV-ZZ) 07/20/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Susan M. Swan (17-CV-AAA) 07/20/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Charles A. Lamberton (17-CV-BBB) 07/21/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Thomas H. Padgett, Jr. (17-CV-CCC) 07/21/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
American College of Trial Lawyers (17-CV-DDD) 07/21/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Nitin Sud (17-CV-EEE) 07/21/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
John Paul Truskett (17-CV-FFF) 07/23/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Heather Leonard (17-CV-GGG) 07/24/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Kevin Koelbel (17-CV-HHH) 07/24/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Hon. Jed S. Rakoff (17-CR-B) 07/23/2017 Criminal Rule 16 Considered
John C. Ireland (17-CV-III) 07/24/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Jonathan Feigenbaum (17-CV-JJJ) 07/25/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Robert B. Landry, III (17-CV-KKK) 07/25/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Walt Auvil (17-CV-LLL) 07/25/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP (17-CV-MMM) 07/25/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Richard T. Seymour (17-CV-NNN) 07/25/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Jonathan L. Gould (17-CV-OOO) 07/26/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Tae Sture (17-CV-PPP) 07/26/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Josh E. Eden (17-CV-QQQ) 07/26/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Dennis P. Murphy (17-CV-RRR) 07/26/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Jeffrey A. Pitman (17-CV-SSS) 07/26/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Michael E. Quiat (17-CV-TTT) 07/28/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Jeffrey T. Jones (17-CV-UUU) 07/29/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Robert Keehn (17-CV-VVV) 07/29/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered
Patrick Mause (17-CV-WWW) 07/30/2017 Civil Rule 30(b)(6) Considered