The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.
Name of Individual and/or Organization | Date Received | Committee | Rule or Form | Status |
Thomas H. Padgett, Jr. (17-CV-CCC) | 07/21/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
American College of Trial Lawyers (17-CV-DDD) | 07/21/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Nitin Sud (17-CV-EEE) | 07/21/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
John Paul Truskett (17-CV-FFF) | 07/23/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Heather Leonard (17-CV-GGG) | 07/24/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Kevin Koelbel (17-CV-HHH) | 07/24/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
John C. Ireland (17-CV-III) | 07/24/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Jonathan Feigenbaum (17-CV-JJJ) | 07/25/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Robert B. Landry, III (17-CV-KKK) | 07/25/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Walt Auvil (17-CV-LLL) | 07/25/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP (17-CV-MMM) | 07/25/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Richard T. Seymour (17-CV-NNN) | 07/25/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Jonathan L. Gould (17-CV-OOO) | 07/26/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Tae Sture (17-CV-PPP) | 07/26/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Josh E. Eden (17-CV-QQQ) | 07/26/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Dennis P. Murphy (17-CV-RRR) | 07/26/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Jeffrey A. Pitman (17-CV-SSS) | 07/26/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Michael E. Quiat (17-CV-TTT) | 07/28/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Jeffrey T. Jones (17-CV-UUU) | 07/29/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Robert Keehn (17-CV-VVV) | 07/29/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Patrick Mause (17-CV-WWW) | 07/30/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
David A Sims (17-CV-XXX) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
David J. Romano (17-CV-YYY) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Dave Maxfield (17-CV-ZZZ) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Laurel Halbany (17-CV-AAAA) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
George Wright Weeth (17-CV-BBBB) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Mary E. Kelly (17-CV-CCCC) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Product Liability Advisory Council (17-CV-DDDD) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Bowman and Brooke, LLP (17-CV-EEEE) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart LLP (17-CV-FFFF) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |