Rules Suggestions
The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.
Name of Individual and/or Organization | Date Received | Committee | Rule or Form | Status |
Theodore Folkman (20-CV-FF) | 11/05/2020 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
Therese Buthod (10-BK-C) | 02/26/2010 | Bankruptcy | Official Form 10 | Considered |
Thirty-One Companies (23-CV-F) | 03/01/2023 | Civil | Proposed rulemaking on MDL proceedings | Considered |
Thomas Allman (23-CV-AA) | 11/28/2023 | Civil | Proposed rulemaking on privacy rights and cyber security risks | Pending consideration |
Thomas Dougherty (23-AP-H) | 06/20/2023 | Appellate | Rule 17 | Considered |
Thomas H. Padgett, Jr. (17-CV-CCC) | 07/21/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Thomas J. Yerbich (02-BK-E) | 05/01/2002 | Bankruptcy | Rule 9104 | Considered |
Thomas J. Yerbich (04-BK-G) | 02/10/2005 | Bankruptcy | 1019(3) | Considered |
Thomas Jones (18-CV-G) | 02/03/2018 | Civil | Rule 8 | Considered |
Thomas L. Wright (16-AP-A) | 02/12/2016 | Appellate | Rule 4 | Considered |
Thomas Mayer (20-BK-D) | 03/16/2020 | Bankruptcy | Rule 7007 | Considered |
Thomas Moers Mayer (16-CV-J) | 11/21/2016 | Civil | A new Federal Rule of Civil Procedure to apply to cases under Title VI of the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act | Considered |
Thomas Moers Mayer (21-BK-D) | 02/16/2021 | Bankruptcy | Rule 3007(c) | Considered |
Thomas O'Toole (20-CV-S) | 08/04/2020 | Civil | Rule 5(d)(3)(B) | Pending consideration |
Thomas Sims (17-CV-DDDDD) | 08/02/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Tim Truman (22-BK-K) | 11/21/2022 | Bankruptcy | Rule 1007 | Pending consideration |
Timothy C. Bailey (17-CV-LLLL) | 07/31/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Timothy J. Patenode (17-CV-M) | 05/24/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Todd B. Hilsee (16-CV-C) | 03/23/2016 | Civil | Rule 23 | Considered |
Todd B. Hilsee (16-CV-E) | 05/24/2016 | Civil | Rule 23 | Considered |
Tom Scherer (00-BK-G) | 06/26/2000 | Bankruptcy | Manipulation of Bar Codes in Mailings Containing Federal Court Documents | Considered |
Tom Scherer (00-CV-D) | 06/26/2000 | Civil | Manipulation of Bar Codes in Mailing | Considered |
Tracey Ellis (02-CV-A) | 02/07/2002 | Civil | Minority Litigant Cases | Considered |
Travis A. Gagnier (18-BK-B) | 01/24/2018 | Bankruptcy | Form 3180W | Considered |
Tricia Pepin (23-BK-D) | 03/10/2023 | Bankruptcy | Rules 1005 and 2002(n) | Pending consideration |
Troy J. Doucet (15-CV-X) | 08/21/2015 | Civil | Rule 45 | Considered |
Turner, Reid, Duncan, Loomer & Patton, P.C. (17-CV-KKKKK) | 08/03/2017 | Civil | Rule 30(b)(6) | Considered |
Twenty-Eight Companies (21-CV-U) | 09/28/2021 | Civil | Rule 26 | Pending consideration |
U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (15-CV-II) | 10/15/2015 | Civil | Rule 23 | Considered |
U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (15-CV-KK) | 10/30/2015 | Civil | Rule 26 | Pending consideration |