The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.
Name of Individual and/or Organization | Date Received | Committee | Rule or Form | Status |
Andrew Straw (23-AP-G) | 06/16/2023 | Appellate | Rule 11 | Considered |
Thomas Dougherty (23-AP-H) | 06/20/2023 | Appellate | Rule 17 | Considered |
Lawyers for Civil Justice (24-CV-G) | 04/03/2024 | Civil | Proposed rulemaking on MDL proceedings | Considered |
Committee to Support Antitrust Laws (24-CV-H) | 04/04/2024 | Civil | Proposed rulemaking on MDL proceedings | Considered |
Hon. Jeremiah McCarthy (24-CV-K) | 04/30/2024 | Civil | Rule 16 | Considered |