The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.
Name of Individual and/or Organization | Date Received | Committee | Rule or Form | Status |
Alan Morrison (21-AP-D) | 04/13/2021 | Appellate | Rule 39 | Pending consideration |
Sai (24-AP-F) | 04/09/2024 | Appellate | Rule 39 | Considered |
Bryan Lammon (20-AP-A) | 02/09/2020 | Appellate | Rule 4 | Considered |
Theodore Folkman (20-CV-FF) | 11/05/2020 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
Michael Weston (19-CV-BB) | 10/15/2019 | Civil | Rule 4 | Pending consideration |
American Association of Justice (19-CV-W) | 08/30/2019 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
Petition by Russell Alexander (12-CV-A) | 03/14/2012 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (16-AP-B). (See also, 16-AP-A, Suggestion from Thomas L. Wright) | 03/28/2016 | Appellate | Rule 4 | Considered |
Robert M. Miller (15-CV-LL) | 10/26/2015 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
Hon. Bernard Zimmerman (01-CR-A) | 01/29/2001 | Criminal | Rule 4 | Considered |
Professor Paul D. Carrington (09-CV-A) | 04/06/2009 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
Mark J. Armbruster (14-CV-C) | 04/02/2014 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
Jeremy A. Colby (03-CV-F) | 08/26/2003 | Civil | Rule 4 | Considered |
Hon. Jesse M. Furman (19-CV-A) | 01/03/2019 | Civil | Rule 4 | Pending consideration |
Thomas L. Wright (16-AP-A) | 02/12/2016 | Appellate | Rule 4 | Considered |
Department of Justice (Hon. Lanny A. Breuer, Assistant Attorney General) (12-CR-B) | 10/25/2012 | Criminal | Rule 4 | Considered |
Roger I. Roots, Esq. (11-AP-E) | 11/14/2011 | Appellate | Rule 4 | Considered |
Hon. Jeffrey Sutton (24-AP-M) | 08/22/2024 | Appellate | Rule 4 (Proposed rulemaking on reopening the time to appeal) | Pending consideration |
Greg Patmythes (21-AP-A) | 01/18/2021 | Appellate | Rule 4 and Rule 6 | Pending consideration |
Magistrate Judges of the Eastern District of New York (Hon. Steven M. Gold) (07-CR-B) | 10/17/2007 | Criminal | Rule 4; Rule 41 | Considered |
Joshua Goodbaum (21-CV-Y) | 11/12/2021 | Civil | Rule 4(d)(1) | Pending consideration |
Patrick Borchers (18-CV-E) | 01/23/2018 | Civil | Rule 4(k)(2) | Pending consideration |
Magistrate Judges Advisory Group (24-CR-D) | 05/14/2024 | Criminal | Rule 40 | Pending consideration |
Hon. Patricia Barksdale (18-CR-G) | 12/10/2018 | Criminal | Rule 40 | Considered |
Hon. Robert B. Collings (03-CR-A) | 01/24/2003 | Criminal | Rule 40 | Considered |
Hon. Zachary Bolitho (23-CR-H) | 11/27/2023 | Criminal | Rule 40 | Pending consideration |
Hon. A. Benjamin Goldgar (16-BK-D) | 04/06/2016 | Bankruptcy | Rule 4001(c) | Considered |
Hon. Barry Russell (01-BK-D) | 04/16/2001 | Bankruptcy | Rule 4003 | Considered |
Hon. Christopher M. Klein (15-BK-E) | 07/10/2015 | Bankruptcy | Rule 4003 | Considered |
Hon. Eugene R. Wedoff (04-BK-B) | 02/27/2004 | Bankruptcy | Rule 4003(b) | Considered |