The Advisory Committees evaluate in the first instance suggestions to amend the Federal Rules.
Name of Individual and/or Organization | Date Received | Committee | Rule or Form | Status |
U.S. Trustee Program (99-BK-H) | 07/22/1999 | Bankruptcy | Rules 2010, 2015, and 4004 | Considered |
Lawyers for Civil Justice (20-CV-R) | 08/04/2020 | Civil | Rules 26 and 45 (privilege logs) | Considered |
Hon. Paul L. Friedman (02-CR-B) | 04/02/2002 | Criminal | Rules 29, 33 & 34 | Considered |
Hon. S. Martin Teel, Jr. (13-AP-D) | 02/09/2013 | Appellate | Rules 3 and 6 | Considered |
ABA Section of Litigation/Members of the Council and Federal Practice Task Force (16-CV-A) | 01/26/2016 | Civil | Rules 30 and 45 | Considered |
B. Sachau (08-CV-A) | 07/30/2008 | Civil | Rules 30, 33 & 36 | Considered |
National Bankruptcy Conference (14-BK-E) | 07/18/2014 | Bankruptcy | Rules 3001, 5003 and 9036 | Considered |
Hon. Robert J. Kressel (03-BK-B) | 07/09/2003 | Bankruptcy | Rules 3007, 5005(c), 7004(b)(3) | Considered |
Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System (19-BK-A) | 01/15/2019 | Bankruptcy | Rules 3011 and 9006(b) | Considered |
Patricia L. Meravi (01-BK-C) | 01/23/2001 | Bankruptcy | Rules 3017.1, 7023.1, and 7023.2 | Considered |
Hon. Susan P. Graber (15-CR-C) | 08/07/2015 | Criminal | Rules 32.1 and 23 | Considered |
Department of Justice (18-AP-A) | 03/20/2018 | Appellate | Rules 35 and 40 and length limits for responses to rehearing petitions | Considered |
Department of Justice (18-AP-B) | 04/06/2018 | Appellate | Rules 35 and 40, comprehensive review | Considered |
Professor Linda A. Malone (05-CR-A) | 03/03/2005 | Criminal | Rules 4 & 5 (Vienna Convention) | Considered |
Catherine M. Riga (17-AP-A) | 03/30/2017 | Appellate | Rules 4 and 27 | Considered |
Dennis Brock (19-CV-N) | 04/02/2019 | Civil | Rules 4 and 5 | Considered |
Kenneth A. Lazarus, Esq. (08-EV-A) | 12/29/2008 | Evidence | Rules 407, 702, & 707 | Considered |
Hon. Tommy E. Miller (00-CR-E) | 12/11/2000 | Criminal | Rules 42 & 58 (Federal Courts Improvement Act) | Considered |
Hagens Berman (24-CV-B) | 02/13/2024 | Civil | Rules 43 and 45 | Pending consideration |
Committee on Federal Courts of The Association of the Bar of the City of New York (13-CV-E) | 04/03/2013 | Civil | Rules 45 and 30 | Considered |
David R. Fine, Esq. (04-CV-A) | 01/15/2004 | Civil | Rules 5 & 6 | Considered |
Department of Justice (Hon. Lanny A. Breuer, Assistant Attorney General) (10-CR-A) | 02/26/2010 | Criminal | Rules 5 and 58 | Considered |
Sai (15-CV-EE) | 09/07/2015 | Civil | Rules 5 and 7 | Considered |
Evan Zoldan (24-CV-L) | 06/06/2024 | Civil | Rules 50 and 52 | Pending consideration |
Craig C. Reilly, Esq. (03-CV-E) | 08/06/2003 | Civil | Rules 54 & 72 | Considered |
Hon. James T. Trimble, Jr. (04-CR-B) | 04/07/2004 | Criminal | Rules 6 & 31 | Considered |
Irwin H. Warren, Esq. (03-CV-C) | 06/26/2003 | Civil | Rules 6 & 62 | Considered |
Hon. Erik P. Kimball (11-BK-I) | 10/13/2011 | Bankruptcy | Rules 7008 and 7012 | Considered |
Hon. Richard S. Schmidt (12-BK-E) | 03/05/2012 | Bankruptcy | Rules 7008, 7012, 9014 and 9027 | Considered |
Kenneth A. Lazarus, Esq. and Professor Paul Rothstein (08-CV-C) | 10/27/2008 | Civil | Rules 8, 12, 16 & 37 | Considered |