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Judge Mary Rowland Takes Pride in the Progress of LGBTQ People

Published on June 6, 2023

Judge Mary M. Rowland came out in the 1980s, as the HIV epidemic gave rise to a renewed anti-LGBTQ movement across America.

“HIV was rampant, and fear and hate were rampant. Going to pride events was a place where I would feel safe,” said Rowland, who serves as a U.S. district judge in the Northern District of Illinois.

In recognition of LGBTQ Pride Month, a new video profile explores Rowland’s experience coming out, her pursuit of a career in law, and the social change she has seen.

“We’ve come a long way baby,” said Rowland on the progress of the LGBTQ community. “We’re passing the baton to a wonderful younger generation and they’re not as patient as my generation was.”

Rowland said it took a while for her parents to come to terms with her sexual identity and explained how their religious beliefs brought them a tremendous amount of stress and fear for her safety.

She hopes her example encourages others to be open about their sexual and gender identity in the workplace. “[Initially] as someone who was closeted when I worked, it’s not healthy,” Rowland said. “You’re constantly lying about who you are.”

Rowland became a district judge in 2019. She previously had served as a U.S. magistrate judge for the Northern District of Illinois since 2012.

Learn about the first openly LGBTQ judge in the federal Judiciary and other Pride Month resources.

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