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Judiciary News

New Bankruptcy Filings Plummet 38.1 Percent

May 3, 2021

Bankruptcy filings dropped 38.1 percent for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2021, a dramatic fall that coincided with the coronavirus (COVID-19), which first disrupted the economy in March 2020. 

Judge Honors Mother’s Adversity, Sacrifice by Women

April 15, 2021

In a highly personal talk, Judge Paula Xinis recounts how two women inspired her career in the law through their different battles with adversity: Sojourner Truth, an abolitionist who escaped from slavery, and Xinis’ mother.

Defenders Navigate Uncharted Territory During Pandemic

March 25, 2021
In a Baltimore courtroom, plexiglass divides the parties and court staff, and juror chairs are being kept at a safe social distance.

Working on the front lines of justice amid the pandemic, federal defenders are navigating uncharted territory as they work to maintain virtual access to clients in detention facilities and participate in socially distanced trials and hearings.

Judiciary Seeks New Judgeships, Reaffirms Need for Enhanced Security

March 16, 2021

The Judicial Conference of the United States, the Judiciary’s policy-making body, today addressed two of its most pressing issues – a proposal to add 79 new judgeships for courts across the country and initiatives to improve both personal and courthouse security.

Judiciary Releases Annual Report and Judicial Business 2020

March 16, 2021

Along with the rest of America, the Judiciary confronted significant challenges in 2020, led by the need to meet its constitutional obligations amid a deadly global pandemic. Federal courts learned to keep operations going, despite restricted access to courth­ouses, with a quickly evolving reliance on technology and the resilience of a 30,000-strong workforce, according to the Annual Report of the Director Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO).

Program on VMI Case Recalls Ginsburg’s Crusade for Gender Equality

March 11, 2021

A recent program honoring the 25th anniversary of a landmark case allowing women to enroll in the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) also celebrated a broader theme: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s decades-long effort to remove gender bias from state and federal laws.

Smoke Tests Protect Courtroom Air From COVID-19

March 4, 2021

Even as vaccines begin to protect the public from the coronavirus (COVID-19), one of the Judiciary’s biggest priorities is ensuring that the air inside courtrooms and hallways remains safe as courts schedule more in-person legal proceedings.  

A new U.S. Courts video highlights a simple technique used to protect court users: a smoke test, which makes air currents inside buildings visible.

Judiciary Seeks 2022 Funding, Cites Caseload Resurgence and Security Needs

February 24, 2021
Judge John W. Lungstrum and Judge Roslynn R. Mauskopf testify

Federal Judiciary officials have asked Congress for $8.12 billion to fund judicial branch operations for fiscal year 2022. The request includes funding to keep pace with inflationary and other budget adjustments, and to pay for program increases, including projected workload changes, courthouse security, cybersecurity, and new magistrate judges.

As Pandemic Lingers, Courts Lean Into Virtual Technology

February 18, 2021

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) has dragged on, a small number of courts have begun conducting virtual bench trials and even virtual civil jury trials in which jurors work from home. Here is a review of ways courts are using electronic communications to deliver justice during the pandemic.

Just the Facts: Trends in Pro Se Civil Litigation from 2000 to 2019

February 11, 2021

Most federal pro se cases are civil actions filed by persons serving time in prison. Pro se prisoner petitions spiked in 2016 after a pair of Supreme Court rulings made it possible for certain prisoners to petition to have their sentences vacated or remanded. Non-prisoners who file pro se actions most often raise civil rights claims.