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Mental Health

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September 11th and the Crisis Response for the Federal Courts Mental Health June 2002
Biopsychosocial Treatment of Antisocial and Conduct-Disordered Offenders PDF icon Download (412.28 KB) Mental Health, Supervision September 2002
A Successful Reintegration into the Community--One NGRI Acquittee's Story PDF icon Download (54.16 KB) Mental Health December 2002
Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Disorders in Offenders--Approaches, Findings and Recommendations PDF icon Download (117.21 KB) Mental Health, Substance Use September 2003
Doing Justice for Mental Illness and Society--Federal Probation and Pretrial Services Officers as Mental Health Specialists PDF icon Download (147.1 KB) Mental Health December 2003
High Anxiety Offenders in Correctional Settings: It's Time for Another Look PDF icon Download (177.33 KB) Mental Health, Prison June 2004
The Effects of Serious Mental Illness on Prisoner Reentry PDF icon Download (83.53 KB) Reentry, Mental Health September 2004
Training Federal Probation Officers as Mental Health Specialists PDF icon Download (89.58 KB) Mental Health, Supervision December 2004
Mental Retardation and the Death Penalty PDF icon Download (65.66 KB) Sentencing, Mental Health June 2005
Overcoming Sisyphus: Effective Prediction of Mental Health Disorders and Recidivism Among Delinquents PDF icon Download (104.96 KB) Risk Assessment, Mental Health, Juveniles September 2006
Mental Illness in Correctional Populations: The Use of Standardized Screening Tools for Further Evaluation or Treatment PDF icon Download (75.37 KB) Risk Assessment, Mental Health September 2006
The Dual Treatment Track Program: A New "In-House" Jail Diversion Program PDF icon Download (164.57 KB) Substance Use, Mental Health December 2006
Hurricane Katrina: Resiliency, The Other Side of Tragedy PDF icon Download (56.62 KB) Mental Health December 2006
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions with Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Some Historical Perspective PDF icon Download (87.34 KB) Juveniles, Mental Health December 2008
New Defendants, New Responsibilities: Preventing Suicide among Alleged Sex Offenders in the Federal Pretrial System PDF icon Download (76.28 KB) Mental Health, Pretrial September 2009
Examining Prevailing Beliefs about People with Serious Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System PDF icon Download (87.52 KB) Mental Health June 2011
Exploring the Moderating Effects of Mental Illness on Parole Release Decisions PDF icon Download (625.26 KB) Mental Health June 2011
Judge-Involved Supervision Programs in the Federal Courts: Summary of Findings From the Survey of Chief United States Probation Officers PDF icon Download (1.1 MB) Federal Courts, Substance Use, Mental Health September 2011
Federal Reentry Court Programs: A Summary of Recent Evaluations PDF icon Download (92.38 KB) Federal Courts, Substance Use, Mental Health September 2011
Implementation and Impact of the Central District of California's Suicide Prevention Program for Federal Sex Crime Defendants PDF icon Download (164.51 KB) Mental Health, Pretrial, Sex Offenders June 2012
Responding to Probationers with Mental Illness PDF icon Download (93.93 KB) Mental Health, Probation September 2012
Officer Stress Linked to CVD: What We Know PDF icon Download (67.58 KB) Mental Health, Training June 2013
Health Coverage for People in the Justice System: The Potential Impact of Obamacare PDF icon Download (105.84 KB) Responsivity, Mental Health, Reentry September 2014
Mental Health Courts in Illinois: Comparing and Contrasting Program Models, Sanction Applications, Information Sharing, and Professional Roles PDF icon Download (121.16 KB) Mental Health, Supervision June 2015
Individuals with Mental Illnesses in the Criminal Legal System: Complex Issues and Best Practices PDF icon Download (148.96 KB) Evidence-based Practices, Mental Health, Probation June 2022
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