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Federal Probation Journal

Federal Probation Journal, published each June, September, and December, presents current thought, research, and practice in corrections, community supervision, and criminal justice.

Article Title Topic Date
Juvenile Probation Officers: How the Perception of Roles Affects Training Experiences for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Evidence-based Practices, Juveniles, Probation December 2011
Juvenile Sex Offenders and Sex Offender Legislation: Unintended Consequences Juveniles, Sex Offenders December 2008
Juveniles and Computers: Should We Be Concerned? Juveniles December 1999
Key Factors to Promote Successful Comprehensive Reentry Initiatives Reentry December 2017
Landlord Attitudes Toward Renting to Released Offenders Post Conviction, Prison June 2007
Leadership and Its Impact on Organization Management December 2016
Leadership Perspectives from the Field: Key Districts Initially Affected by COVID-19 Pretrial, Probation June 2021
Legal Issues in Juvenile Drug Testing Juveniles, Substance Use December 1999
Lessons Learned from Boston's Police-Community Collaboration Juveniles December 1999
Lies, Liars, and Lie Detection Criminology December 2011
Listening to Victims: A Critique of Restorative Justice Policy and Practice in the United States Restorative justice June 2004
Location Monitoring for Low-Risk Inmates: A Cost-Effective and Evidence-Based Reentry Strategy Location Monitoring, Reentry, Evidence-based Practices June 2014
Looking at the Law: A Guide to Statutory Retroactivity in the Revocation Context Federal Courts June 2008
Looking at the Law: An Updated Look at the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination in Post-Conviction Supervision Federal Courts, Supervision June 2011
Looking Back at Federal Probation--Richard A. Chappell History of probation June 2002
Low/Moderate Risk Policy Change White Paper Risk Assessment, Supervision June 2023
Making "What Works" Work for Rural Districts Evidence-based Practices September 2008
Making the Conversation a Little Easier for Probation and Parole Officers: Using Motivational Interviewing to Discuss Client Suicidal Ideation and Attempts Evidence-based Practices, Probation December 2021
Managing Offender Resistance to Counseling--the "3R's" Supervision December 2002
Managing the Correctional Enterprise: The Quest for "What Works" Evidence-based Practices September 2002
Managing the Correctional Enterprise: The Quest for “What Works” Evidence-based Practices, Probation June 2022
Matching Drug-Involved Probationers to Appropriate Drug Interventions Substance Use June 1999
Measuring Hope in Jail Inmates with Substance Use Problems Prison, Program Evaluation, Substance Use September 2019
Media Portrayals of Prison Privatization: A Research Note Prison December 2004
Mental Health Courts in Illinois: Comparing and Contrasting Program Models, Sanction Applications, Information Sharing, and Professional Roles Mental Health, Supervision June 2015