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Federal Probation Journal

Federal Probation Journal, published each June, September, and December, presents current thought, research, and practice in corrections, community supervision, and criminal justice.

Article Title Topic Date
"I was just given a new sex offense case: now, what do I do?" Sex Offenders, Supervision September 2010
"Looking at the Law"--Updating the Imposition, Tolling, and Revocation of Supervision Federal Courts, Supervision December 2005
"Looking at the Law": Probation Officer Searches Probation June 1998
"Looking at the Law": The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination and Supervision Supervision June 1999
"To the Greatest Extent Practicable"—Confronting the Implementation Challenges of the First Step Act Prison, Reentry, Supervision December 2019
"Town Hall" Strategies for Organizational Change Evidence-based Practices, Management December 2009
"Up to Speed"--Juvenile Justice on the Eve of the Next Millennium Juveniles December 1999
"Up to Speed": Exploring the Implications of Four Sanctioning Orientations for Community Corrections Supervision, Restorative justice December 1998
"Up to Speed": The Nexus Between Drugs and Crime: Theory, Research, and Practice Substance Use June 1999
1937 Revisited: "Is There a Measure of Probation Success?" History of probation December 2005
7 Keys to "Make EBPs Stick": Lessons From the Field Evidence-based Practices, Training September 2013
A Case Study of the Implementation of Staff Training Aimed at Reducing Rearrest (STARR) Evidence-based Practices, Supervision June 2016
A Changing Role: Perspectives from Two Officers Evidence-based Practices September 2008
A Civic Engagement Model of Reentry Reentry September 2004
A Comparison of Oral Specimen Collection and Laboratory Urinalysis Among Baltimore City Arrestees Substance Use June 2002
A Comprehensive Approach to Supervision in the Southern District of West Virginia Supervision June 1999
A Continuum of Sanctions for Substance Abusing Offenders Substance Use December 1998
A Corrections Workforce for the 21st Century Evidence-based Practices, Supervision June 2019
A Decade of Experimenting with Intermediate Sanctions: What Have We Learned? Probation, Supervision December 1998
A Descriptive Analysis of Pretrial Services at a Single-Jurisdictional Level Supervision December 2014
A Difficult Position: A Feasibility Study Analysis of Conducting Home Contacts on Halloween Sex Offenders, Supervision June 2014
A Hawaii Criminal Court Provides Restorative Justice Practices for Healing Relationships Restorative justice December 2007
A History of Court-Imposed Probation Fees in Texas Fines, Fees, and Restitution, Probation June 2019
A Longitudinal Survey of Newly-Released Prisoners: Methods and Design of the Boston Reentry Study Prison, Reentry June 2017
A Model for Developing a Reentry Program Reentry December 2002